On Tue, 18 Dec 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
I deleted Apple's fake readline symlink (in /usr/lib I think it
was) and
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/sw/lib"
after installing the fink readline packages, but before configuring gnuplot
(w/o the above "builtin" flag). Then make and make install seemed to go
The "builtin" flag wasn't respected? That sounds like a gnuplot
configure bug; maybe it's fixed in CVS.
For configuring gnuplot I also changed the prefix to
....Gretl.app/Contents/Resources, since that seemed to
correspond to the PATH used further down.
I also changed the gretl prefix to ...Gretl.app (w/o
Contents/Resources), it seemed more natural (and maybe the
prefixes for gnuplot and gretl were just swapped by accident?).
Sorry, that was a mess. For both gretl and gnuplot the "prefix"
should be .../Gretl.app/Contents/Resources: the files go into
subdirectories of that folder named bin, lib, share and so on.
If you installed gretl with a prefix of just .../Gretl.app you
should go in there and delete the extraneous directories. There
should be just one subdir, namely "Contents". (One might think
this would go without saying, but Apple likes long paths!)
Configuring gretl I got an error about missing pkg-config (but
it found the compiled and installed gnuplot with png support, so
far so good...).
Good job with gnuplot!
The fink package pkgconfig is installed AFAICS. So here I'm
stuck, any new ideas?
What does "which pkg-config" show? I'll check my local Mac and
see where it is on that machine.
BTW, I should also mention that I couldn't install packages gmp3
and mpfr, fink didn't know about them.
Try just "gmp" and "gmp-shlibs".
Maybe mpfr is rolled into that? Anyway, it's not essential.