Am 13.07.2017 um 22:45 schrieb Clive Nicholas:
I tried -sudo apt-get update-, but that didn't work probably because I
needed to implement Jack's suggestion of a repository link first, even
though I've never needed to before when installing -gretl- in Mint (or
any Linux distro, for that matter). The question, then, is which is the
correct repository link to add? Trying, for instance
deb main
deb xenial main
deb stable main
and their complementary deb-src entries all choke on errors, so what is
the correct entry here? Thanks for your help again.
OK, first just to be sure, you apparently want to build gretl from git
yourself, or you don't need any of the build-dep stuff.
Next, I only have an older Mint version to look at, but there is a
system settings window called software package sources or something like
that (sorry, I'm re-translating from German). In that window, you just
have to tick a box (at the bottom for me) saying "activate source
package sources" or similar. Afterwards, you reload the sources via
apt-get update (or the GUI equivalent).