On Tue, 1 Jul 2008, Gordon Hughes wrote:
I will leave the DEA analysis to someone else. Personally, I have
dealt with a dataset for which DEA provided a plausible set of results, let
alone improved on what ones gets from SFA. Normally, the set of comparators
turns out to be empty or too small to be useful.
My experience too.
I will modify the packages to include the description strings and
re-load them to the server.
Finally, I have been thinking about the panel data SFA. I will start with
the time invariant version which is little more than a set of restrictions on
the conventional model - e.g. u[i,t] = u[i] for all t. That should mean that
it is possible to produce equivalent versions for all of my cross section
models once I understand how panel data can be manipulated conveniently.
There is one approach that would facilitate the implementation of estimator.
The log-likelihood function has the form
sum over cross section units { sum over time periods [ ... ] }
Thus, it would be easiest to write the log-likelihood and its derivatives in
this structure. However, if I understand the logic of mle correctly, then
every observation is treated identically so that what mle hands to the
maximiser is the contribution of that observation to the log-likelihood and
its gradients. If correct, the problem is manageable but less efficient than
if one could take advantage of the structure of the log-likelihood to avoid
repetition of various calculations.
In principle, you could use panel-specific genr function such as pmean()
to compute a scalar loglikelihood function which can, in turn, be used by
BFGSmax(). There are two drawbacks I can see in this case:
1) you wouldn't be able to use the per-observation score matrix and things
like the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters would have to be
computed via the Hessian.
2) In its present state, BFGSmax() cannot use analytical derivatives.
Are you sure the performance penalty (if any) is worth the trouble?
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche