Dear developers,
using the snapshot version downloaded today for Win-XP,
I tried to modify a gnuplot ACF/PACF graphic to put the y-rage in [-1; 1]
(as it MUST BE).
I saved the original generated graph as icon, I opened the gnuplot
command by the mouse right-click, I modified the command set yrange in
set yrange [-1.0:1.0]
and I runned the script. A modified graph is generated but it is
covered by the
pop-up message "gnuplot pause: paused", and it is impossible to save
the modified graph.
Francesca Di Iorio
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Universita' di Napoli Federico II
via L. Rodino' 22
I-80138 Napoli
tel. 081-2538280
fax. 081-2537466
e-mail fdiiorio(a)