Henrique schrieb:
Em dezembro de 2009 Sven escreveu:
(...) At the institute where I am working we regularly receive
for internships from German (-speaking) students. (...) And what's
interesting is that in their CVs quite many (maybe half?) of the
mention that they are familiar with gretl.
This is very good!
(And no, they are not applying directly to me, so it's not
because they want to pamper me -- actually I don't think that the
average student looks at the info box and remembers the name of the
translator there.)
So I think gretl is definitely on the rise in the German-speaking
It would be nice if the same occurs here in Brazil!
Gretl-devel mailing list
http://lists.wfu.edu/mailman/listinfo/gretl-devel That's sounds good! But
actually I am quite surprised. Personally I do
not know so many students in Germany who use it.
Here in Leeds I am just on a "mission" to advertise gretl. My student
mates like it more than microfit or stata ;)