On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 9:03 AM Sven Schreiber
<sven.schreiber(a)fu-berlin.de> wrote:
Am 02.11.2023 um 13:51 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> On Thu, 2 Nov 2023, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> in short: --cluster=period works as announced, but with two-way
>> clustering --cluster=period,unit doesn't work, one has to create a
>> series mimicking the period (e.g., genr time).
>> I guess this is an oversight and not intended.
> It's not intended as such, but neither is it just an oversight. It's
> not easy to combine an automatic structural feature with an explicit
> series, given that many panels are unbalanced. But maybe we can find a
> way of doing it.
OK, if it's not an oversight, I would just document it and leave it as is.
>> Also, Allin, off-list you said that "set panel_robust driscoll_kraay"
>> now is a further option, but with yesterdays's snapshot I'm getting
>> an invalid value error. Is this in a different branch or not pushed
>> or something?
> See the "set" doc for the current status: options are
> "pcse" and "scc".
Exactly - but my question is what happened to the driscoll_kraay thing
you mentioned a couple of weeks ago? Did it not work out, was just
experimental, or something else?
Driscoll-Kraay is "scc" (spatial correlation consistent).
"discoll_kraay" seemed too fiddly to type. It's all documented in the