On Mon, 26 Sep 2016, Sven Schreiber wrote:
I'm torturing gretl again, example:
strings as = defarray("hu")
matrix ixes = {1}
eval as[ixes[1]]
bundle bb
strings bb.as = as
eval bb.as[ixes[1]] # gives error
Or is this expression somehow ambiguous?
No, I think this may be be a bug. I note that if I interpolate
eval bb.as[1]
that works OK. And in principle
eval bb.as[ixes[1]]
should be equivalent. It seems we're not going deep enough in
members/elements-of-members/elements-of. The same problem is
apparent on assignment. For example, this also fails:
bb.as[ixes[1]] = "bu"
bb.as[1] = "bu"
works OK. It seems we have some hard-wired (and limited) recursion
in a place where we should have automatic recursion that is limited
only by the availability of memory on the stack.