Dear Allin,
Some strings not marked for translation:
"variable 8 (explicativas): non-numeric values = 200 (100,00 percent)"
"allocating string table"
"kalman: obsymat is 6 x 6, should be 1 x 6" (it appears on a Kalman
filter context)
"Kalman input matrices" (it appears inside a Kalman bundle)
"Kalman output matrices" (it appears inside a Kalman bundle)
"Kalman scalars" (it appears inside a Kalman bundle)
"LHS vector should be of length 146, is 145" (it appears when use gretlcli)
"nls_genr_setup failed" (it appears when use gretlcli)
"array of strings, length 384" (it appears inside a created bundle -
I'm not sure if we should mark this for translation)
"matrix: 384 x 4" (it appears inside a created bundle - I'm not sure
if we should mark this for translation)
Of course this is not a priority, but it would be good to translate
them before next release.
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade