On Fri, 26 Oct 2018, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Am 26.10.2018 um 03:15 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> On Thu, 25 Oct 2018, oleg_komashko(a)ukr.net wrote:
>> [F]or packages I can not foresee what series names will be
>> in a file opened by other user
> Fortunately, as a package writer that need not concern you. You will "see"
> outer series only under names you have chosen for the parameters of your
> functions. Within your function, series can be confused with functions only
> if you have chosen names that collide with built-in functions.
I don't mean to imply any consequences (except perhaps warnings and hints to
package writers in the docs), but for completeness it should perhaps be noted
that this is not entirely true: If you receive a list argument and pick out
certain series their names come from the outside.
But they cannot be referenced by their outer names within the
function, you have to use the List.$i syntax. Here's an example:
function void argnames (list L)
loop foreach i L
series x$i = L.$i(-1)
print x$i
end function
open denmark
rename LRY sin # try to cause trouble!
list X = LRM sin
Inside argnames() we're able to take a lag of the series known as
"sin" in main without a problem.