On Fri, 30 Apr 2010, Talha Yalta wrote:
>>>> Also, I know that gretl has a tendency to have plot
titles in small
>>>> letters (although there are exceptions such as the estimated density
>>>> plot which has the E capitalized). Is there a reason for this? I
>>>> know what most people would say but my personal preference is to have
>>>> such titles in title format (first letter capitalized).
>>> Right-click -> Edit
>> I don't even have to do this because such titles are all in title
>> format in the Turkish translation ;-)
>> But seriously, is this something undebatable? How about an option in
>> the preferences, if not too difficult to implement that is.
> Nothing is undebatable, in the proper context. But do you really think gretl
> should have a capitalisation *policy*?
Why not? I think most people would agree that accurate and
professional looking visualization is extremely important for a
scientific package (not that I wish to claim the current plots look
I beg to differ. In my humble opinion, "accurate and professional looking
visualisation" (which is difficult to define anyway: I am a professional,
so are you; I like small letters, you like capital letters. Who's right?
Po-tay-to, po-tah-to) has is place, but is dwarfed in importance by
computational speed, accuracy, breadth of methods, quality of
documentation and so on. If capital letters in plots are so "extremely
important" to deserve a formalised policy, my imagination struggles to
find something that isn't.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche