On Sun, 19 Apr 2009, Henrique wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> It would be great if you could try to find out why the others are
> not working. Os X is very quirky and I don't have much access to
> it. Gretl treats all the supported languages in the same manner.
Ok, I going to investigate this. I think the starting point is
to know what exactly gretl does to change languages on OS X. So,
can you explain me this process?
Thanks! Gretl sets the LANG environment variable -- and also, for
OS X, the LANGUAGE variable -- so in effect it's mimicking a
setting that the user can do via the shell.
Therefore, I think the best way to test this is from the command
prompt in an xterminal, leaving aside gretl's new language
selector. (That is, make sure that gretl's language selector is
set to "Automatic".)
Now, for example, I have gretl installed at
on my wife's iMac. I open an xterm and cd to
Now, if I do
LANG=it_IT LANGUAGE=italian ./gretl
gretl opens in Italian. Good. And if I do
LANG=pl_PL LANGUAGE=polish ./gretl
I get Polish.
But if I do
LANG=fr_FR LANGUAGE=french ./gretl
LANG=es_ES LANGUAGE=spanish ./gretl
gretl opens in English, not French or Spanish. Why? That's the
question I need answered. All the relevant message catalogs are
in place. And I've tried substituting "francais", "espanol" for
the LANGUAGE settings, to no avail.