On Fri, 4 Feb 2022, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Am 03.02.2022 um 23:26 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> Could you perhaps post the RJdemetra results somewhere so other could
> examine the differences? Thanks.
It's not a big file, so I'm attaching the data in the hope that it goes
Thanks, I've now installed RJDemetra (RJD for short) and can confirm
the results you posted. In the cases where there's noticeable
disagreement (RSA3, RSA5c) the programs are either arriving at a
different ARIMA specification, choosing different calendar effects,
or finding different (but overlapping) outliers. Here's a summary,
gleaned from the verbose printouts from RJD and X13A.
arima (3 1 1)(0 1 1) in levels + 5 outliers
(outliers: TC (4-2020), AO (3-2020), LS (11-2008),
AO (5-2011), TC (2-2009)
Log likelihood = -898.2, aicc = 1819
X13A, b58:
arima (2 1 0)(0 1 1) in levels + 3 outliers
(outliers: LS (11-2008), TC (3-2020), TC (4-2020)
Log likelihood = -916.1, aicc = 1846.5
X13A, b39:
arima (3 1 1)(0 1 1) in levels + 3 outliers
Log likelihood = -914.5, aicc = 1847.5
So this is a case where the two X13A builds I've tried disagree.
Build 58 struggles with RSA3 on these data -- takes over 20 times as
long as any of the other specs -- while build 39 completes in
reasonable time. If we believe RJD's loglikelihood and AICC, it's
doing a little better.
arima (2 1 1)(0 1 1) in levels + 4 outliers + 8 calendar effects
(calendar: 6 daily coeffs plus Leap year + Easter[1])
Log likelihood = -799.1, aicc = 1634
X13A, b58 and b39 (identical):
arima (2 1 1)(0 1 1) in levels + 5 outliers + 2 calendar effects
(calendar: Weekday (1-coeff) and Easter[1])
Log likelihood = -795.1, aicc = 1617
In this case X13A does better wrt loglik and AICC. I'm not sure if
the respective programs are starting with the same "test-down-from"
spec for calendar effects; it doesn't look like it.