Am 19.12.2007 15:55, Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Am 18.12.2007 23:47, Allin Cottrell schrieb:
>> ~$ locate libxml-2.0.pc
>> /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxml-2.0.pc
>> Is this different on Leopard? libxml2 should not be installed via Fink.
> It wasn't installed by fink, and it's the same location, but it
> didn't work. So I tried the opposite, installing libxml2 via
> fink...
Hmm, that's not really the right way to go. We need to get the
native OS X packages recognized. [See also below, re. gnome] Try
This should include /usr/lib/pkgconfig and
/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig. If not, export a corrected version.
It was fine AFAICS.
Then try
pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0
This should produce
...and it does.
> Ok, now I got to the testing stage running ./gretl with fink
disabled; I get:
> 1) A system dialog window saying in German "gnuplot was closed
> The report (SIGTRAP) says:
> "Dyld Error Message: Library not loaded:
> /sw/Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/Versions/A/AquaTerm //
> Referenced from: .<....>/ //
> Reason: image not found"
Oof, that sounds pretty mixed-up. Is there an
/sw/Library/Frameworks directory at all (when /sw is enabled)? We
don't really want the gnuplot build to include AquaTerm. If
there's a Fink aquaterm package installed it may be necessary to
remove it. I'll try some experimentation myself.
That dir exists.
I removed the fink package aquaterm which was indeed installed. So I
guess that means to rebuild gnuplot.
> 3) an error window saying in English/literally "An error
occurred while
> loading or saving configuration information for Das Ökonometrie-Paket von
> GNOME 2.0. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.
> -Details- OK-".
> Details say: "Failed to launch configuration server: Failed to execute child
> process "/sw/lib/gconf2/gconfd-2" (No such file or directory) <several
Do you have some gnome components installed via Fink?
Yes, without actively knowing it. So I did /sw/bin/fink remove
--recursive gnome-base.
In that
case you should add
to the flags used when configuring gretl. (This may explain the
confusion over libxml2, come to think of it.)
Ok, let's see how it goes without gnome.
Just to be on the safe side, I'm starting over again:
* configuring and building lbgd: ok
* configuring and building gnuplot: ok
* configuring gretl: ok, but at 'make' I get:
make -C gui2
make[1]: *** No rule to make target
`/sw/include/libgnomeui-2.0/gnome.h', needed by `about.o'. Stop.
make: *** [gui2] Error 2
I repeat that I have removed many if not all gnome fink packages, and
configure was --without-gnome.
What's next?