Here's something that people building gretl from the git sources
should note. (It's not relevant if you're building from a released
source package.)
I've recently revised the Makefiles for the gretl documentation
(both "online" and PDF). This was motivated by build problems on
Windows, but more generally I'm trying to ensure that the docs get
(re-)built always and only when they're non-existent or out of date.
As part of this effort I've changed the location of the compiled
helpfiles, namely
We used to do something kinda anomalous: even when building outside
of the source tree we wrote these files into the "share"
subdirectory of the source tree itself (rationale: so they were
automatically in place for a non-git source package).
Now these files get written to doc/commands in the build tree (and
"make install" is revised to find them OK).
That means that you can safely delete the "orphan" versions under
<src>/share, as in
cd <your-gretl-source>/share
rm -f gretl_*ref.* gretl_gui_help.* gretlhelp.refs
Also, I've got rid of the "stamp" files that we were using to signal
that the helpfiles had been built -- with the exception of one
called fig.stamp. So you can clean these up in <src>/share:
rm -f *.stamp # delete all
touch fig.stamp # but reconstitute this one
I still need to think about how best to get rid of fig.stamp.