sorry if this is just my ignorance but can I have access to values set
by "set"?
I know how to access current workdir value: it's just @workdir (as
string), but can I retrive value of omp_num_threads (as integer or
string, does not matter actually)?
Or can I do something like "eval set omp_num_threads" [of course not in
the current sence of eval] to get string "omp_num_threads: positive
integer, currently 4" which I could parse next?
dr Marcin Błażejowski
Katedra Zarządzania oraz Instytut Rozwoju Badań Naukowych
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Toruniu
ul. Młodzieżowa 31a
87-100 Toruń
pok. 116
Marcin Błażejowski