But if you can tell us what in particular you reckon is missing from gretl's built-
in script editor we could consider enhancing it.
Ok, here are the things I most frequently miss in gretls editor:
a) Search and "List" option with links (A list where all lines with line-numbers
are given, where the item occurred, and an option to "click" on each single one
to get there). This helps also to get, e.g., a fast index of functions in the file.
b) Searching across files (as before, but searching within (sub)folders and all files)
c) Search & replace in "marked" text only
d) And then, a thing I mentioned in the past, the script editor sometimes has problems
with copy & paste. The most easy thing to reproduce it is to use clipboarder
http://nes.bplaced.net/de.html), which allows to copy a lot of things into the clipboard
in a row and then past it in a row back (using short keys).
e) Another thing for debugging that would be nice: If the debug error would indicate the
line within the script, not within the code OR if one could add a second vertical bar to
the editor, with line-numbers starting at the position.
f) And (not related to the editor) if the error messages in "outfile" mode would
still be directed at the log, or if there was such an option, debugging would become a bit