[redirecting to devel]
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti schrieb:
ps Sven, Allin and I have been adding quite a few matrix functions
lately. I have the feeling that at least some of your python programs
(excellent style, by the way) could be written directly in CVS gretl now.
Do you feel like giving it a try?
Well in terms of matrix functions there wasn't really anything missing IIRC.
But what are those things you guys added?
Apart from that I'm a bit hesitant because porting to gretl script means
abandoning object-orientation. So the structure would be quite
different, and therefore maintenance effort of the parallel python and
gretl programs would be a bit annoying.
I'm open for suggestions though as to how to overcome or reduce this
problem, because in general I also like the idea.