On Sun, 23 Nov 2008, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Sat, 22 Nov 2008, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> Actually, I now see a reason for preferring the "row-wise"
> variant: this makes it easier to cut out the F-stat and its
> p-value if they're not applicable for a given model.
So, could the following (Allin's proposal with the adj. R^2 and the
F-statistic swapped) be a reasonable compromise?
Sum squared resid 59.23226 Mean dependent var 2.962500
S.E. of regression 0.473671 S.D. dependent var 0.615864
R-squared 0.419454 Adjusted R-squared 0.408459
F(5, 264) 38.14888 P-value(F) 2.14e-29
Log-likelihood -178.3244 Akaike criterion 368.6488
Schwarz criterion 390.2393 Hannan-Quinn 377.3186
rho 0.435670 Durbin-Watson 2.036421
I like it!
I'd still like to have the information criteria on their own, but
understand not many people share my preference.
I can see a case for this, but if (at least part of) the object is
to economize on vertical lines, having the information criteria on
their own is less than ideal. In the format above, the criteria
take up 1.5 lines, but if they're to be presented on their own I
think 3 lines are needed: a space, a heading, then a line for the
three values.