On Sat, 13 Jul 2019, Sven Schreiber wrote:
with the latest snapshot I have the following strange error (when
trying stuff with Artur's json transfers):
internal genr error: aux node mismatch
*** error within loop in function gbundle2json
> string typ = typestr(typeof(b[key]))
I couldn't prepare a minimal example, sorry, it seems subtle.
Here's a minimal example:
function void dostuff (bundle b)
string key
loop i=1..2 -q
key = sprintf("k%d", i)
scalar typ = typeof(b[key])
printf "for key '%s', type = %d\n", key, typ
end function
bundle b = defbundle("k1", "one", "k2", 2)
But -just found out- that the error goes away if I do
b["@key"] instead.
Yes, use of string substitution will prevent compilation of that
line in the loop, and it's the compiled version that's going wrong
here. A fix should not be too far away.