On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 5:41 PM Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)gmx.net> wrote:
Am 21.11.2021 um 23:31 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
> On Sun, 21 Nov 2021, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> Indeed, a little bit to my surprise it worked to delete that and then do
>> "git restore doc/tex/*", followed by the configure script and so on.
> If you had to use "git restore" that suggests that you're doing your
> build inside the git source tree. That's not recommended, though it's
> not actually banned yet. Better to build outside the source tree.
Yeah, I know ;-)
I just checked and Appendix section B.4 of the guide doesn't seem to
explain how to actually perform the build outside of the source tree. I
know there will be a million search hits on the internet for this
question, but one or two sentences there might be nice.
Good point, that should be fixed. But it's quite simple: the invocation
of the configure script has to take into account the relative path. So if
your build directory is inside (underneath) the source tree it's
../configure <options>
while if it's in a parallel tree it would be (something like)
../gretl-git/configure <options>