On Sat, 4 Oct 2008, Gordon Hughes wrote:
Following up the replies to my questions:
A. The redundant functions on the server which should be
removed are (a) sfa_eff, and (b) sfa_het_eff.
OK, will do.
D. The new option for mle & nls. Thank you for implementing
this change. Going a little further, is there any way of
controlling the option via a flag? At the moment I have
different but almost identical blocks of code that are executed
if a flag is set to request numeric or analytical derivatives.
It would be nice, but not essential if the "-n" could be
parameterised, but I don't know whether this is possible and if
so how.
Use a string variable.
string mleopt
if condition
mleopt = "--numeric"
mle ...
end mle @mleopt