On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Sven Schreiber wrote:
1) Clicking ok in the dialog window for generating random
variables adds the specified variable, but doesn't close the
window. Actually I can imagine that this is a feature, not a
bug, but just in case it's not...
Intended. That's why there's a "Close" button.
2) With panel --random-effects estimation the Hausman test of RE
vs. FE isn't printed when the test statistic becomes negative.
From what I recall of the translated strings, there used to be a
warning message instead. I didn't agree with the content of that
warning message, but whatever one thinks of those negative
statistics, gretl shouldn't just silently ignore them and leave
the user wondering why no test output is shown.
Fair enough, I'll take a look at that.
3) And finally a related feature request: I think $hausman
should not only access the endogeneity tests after tsls, but
should also retrieve the Hausman test after --random-effects.
Do you want to add that to the tracker?