We have an exciting new development to announce: support for
parallelization via MPI in gretl. This is in CVS, the Windows snapshot,
and the quartz snapshot for OS X. There's preliminary documentation
with examples at
Here are the first two paragraphs just to give you an idea:
As of March 2014 gretl CVS includes support for MPI. In brief, this takes
the form of (a) a new, dedicated command-line program called gretlcli-mpi,
which may be used in stand-alone fashion, plus (b) a facility for calling
this program from within a regular hansl script (e.g. as opened in the GUI
script editor). These things are described in detail below.
What is MPI?
To get the full story, see
open-mpi.org or
mpich.org; here we just
describe the basics as they apply to gretl. MPI (Message Passing
Interface) is a de facto standard that supports running a given (C or
Fortran) program simultaneously on several cores in a given computer
and/or on several networked computers. MPI provides means for dividing
labor among the multiple nodes and for communicating data between them. It
thereby supports a very flexible sort of parallelism...
The hansl interface to MPI is not yet "set in stone"; we welcome comments.
Allin and Jack