Am 09.02.2016 um 18:47 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Tue, 9 Feb 2016, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Am 09.02.2016 um 17:25 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
>> The test that's generating the error is as follows:
>> 1. Is cols(R) equal to the total number of elements of beta and alpha
>> ("gmax"), in the system? In this case the answer is No, since cols(R)
>> 20 and gmax = 40.
> I guess you're referring to the internal restriction representation
> now. Because according to the guide the direct usage of an R matrix is
> not supported for restrictions on alpha, only on beta.
Hmm, good point; it seems we shouldn't be accepting cols(R) = gmax in
the VECM case.
If this refers purely to the user's point of view, then probably not.
>> 2. If No, is cols(R) equal to the number of beta rows (here, 5)? No
>> again, so fail.
> At the risk of revealing my ignorance, right now I'm not getting why
> this would be an admissible case in general.
Wouldn't that be OK for a restriction that's in common for all columns
of beta?
Well, I'm simply looking at equ. (27.5), where cols(R) must be equal to
the rows of vec(beta), full stop. And except for the special case r==1
(and leaving aside the possibility of an extended beta^* with restricted
deterministic and exogenous terms) this cannot be equal to n (rows of beta).
Now, perhaps the case cols(R)==n leads to some other restriction
formulation, I don't know. We probably discussed this back when the
whole restricted estimation thing was adapted from Boswijk&Doornik, but
I don't remember if that's the case.
> Once the really relevant check is added as you just did
> maybe this check number 2 should/could be removed?
I'll have to think about this some more, but I believe it's check number
1 (or gateway #1) that should be removed.
As I have explained above, at the moment I would think the only
meaningful check is cols(R)==rows(vec(beta)), but I may be missing
> Before turning to practical testing, let me raise the issue of
> exogenous restricted terms which lead to rows(vec(beta_x) = (n+n_x)*r
> instead of rows(vec(beta)) = n*r. Is that covered by the bugfix?
Not that I'm aware of 8-/
Hehe, it should be acknowledged that currently the guide isn't very
clear about whether this is supposed to work at all. OTOH, the apparatus
for restricting and testing the entire beta^* is there and working.
(Sorry I'm switching back and forth between beta^* and beta_x to denote
the same thing.) So I tend to think using the restriction interface
specifying R*vec(beta^*) = q should be allowed.
So that would mean that the check would be:
1) cols(R) == (n + nrexo) * r , if we are in odd Johansen cases (1,3,5)
and nrexo is the number of further restricted exogenous variables in the
2) cols(R) == (n + nrexo) * r + 1 , if we are in even Johansen cases (2,4).