On Thu, 17 Dec 2009, Sven Schreiber wrote:
the list has been busy recently with bug reports (and also some
requests), and it's absolutely understandable that not all bugs could be
fixed right away. (It still continues to amaze me that a sizeable
proportion of bug reports are addressed immediately by Allin.) So here's
a list of what may still be open issues. After clarification and
discussion I will transfer the remainder of this list into the bug
tracker and feature requests databases.
Thanks for keeping track of these things. Here are some brief
* icon for "code view" in the function package list window:
change from
cogwheel to something more intuitive
"View code" is mapped to GTK_STOCK_PROPERTIES and "Execute" is
mapped to GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE. These make sense to me. If the
icons you're seeing don't convery the expected sense, file a bug
report for the GTK theme you're using. (Here, using the base GTK
icons, I get a cogwheel for Execute and what looks like a spanner
for View code.)
* icon of function package list window (and others) in taskbar is
generic (non-gretl) on linux (self-compiled cvs) -- actually, i don't
get any icons for menu items on linux (as opposed to windows), I suppose
that's a bug of my setup?
The installed GTK theme must be specifying no icons in menus.
Nothing gretl can do about that.
* the help about invcdf() says P(X<x), but shouldn't it be
Yes, I suppose it should (for the sake of discrete distributions).
* the command 'include myfilenamewith.dots' fails even if
'myfilenamewith.dots.inp' exists (and is in the right place/dir),
apparently because gretl interprets .dots as a filename extension
Yes. Won't fix. Either don't put dots into filenames, or give
the full name with ".inp" extension.
* variable is being treated as discrete should be made optional
than automatic (I thought it was already the case after a discussion
some months/years ago)
I'll try to get to that.
And that one is on my agenda too.
* Estimating one equation with 7 variables and 3 lags with OLS
a glitch with one of the variable names: Instead of 'Yield_10yr_1' the
name 'd_Yield_10yr' is printed. (Maybe it has to do with the
underscores in the name?)
Can't do anything without a case in point.
* The command 'rmplot' is defined only for the GUI. I
(=Ignacio) think
it would be very good if we could use it also in scripts.
* script accessors ($test etc.) for bootstrapped test results
Both of the above are on the agenda.
* the exogenous variables in a Johansen test setting aren't
and a warning should be printed that the critical values and p-values
are in general only appropriate in the case without exogenous variables
That too.