Am 16.10.2024 um 14:28 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
Allin again:
"Byval" appears as the first column heading when you save the $result
matrix following "summary <list> --by=<series>". No, it's not
English word but I t hink its meaning should be clear in context.
OK, thanks. Here's an example with the cps92.gdt dataset:
? summary husearns --by=husunion
? =$result
Byval Arith. Mitte Median Minimum Maximum Std.
Abw. Var'koeff. Schiefe Überwölbun 5% Perz. 95% Perz.
IQ-Abstand Fehlende Beo
0 0,0000 615,92 507,00 20,000 1923,0
376,70 0,61159 1,3866 2,0802 200,00 1400,0
450,00 0,0000
1 1,0000 616,33 593,50 70,000 1923,0
262,20 0,42542 1,6476 5,2645 280,00 1057,5
270,00 0,0000
(Need to view this with a monospace font.)
In the meantime I've changed some of the German strings given that
truncation happens at 12 characters or so. But notice the wrong
alignment with the column header "Überwölbun". Actually, the full string
is "Überwölbung" (excess kurtosis), which has 11 chars, two of them are
German Umlaute. And the alignment to the right is off by two - could
there be a connection, i.e. is there perhaps some string length
calculation which is not non-ASCII-proof?