On Fri, 7 Dec 2012, Sven Schreiber wrote:
I just noticed that this:
matrix m = ones(1,1) | zeros(0,9)
actually works. I think gretl should complain instead, because for
concatenation one of the dimensions must match.
Fair enough. A related point is that, up till now,
"zeros(0,9)" didn't actually produce a 0 x 9 matrix, the
result was 0 x 0. That's now fixed in CVS, along with the
conformability question.
For row concatenation, '|', the two matrices must always have
the same number of columns, and for column concatenation, '~',
they must always have the same number of rows.
(Although I do retain a suspicion that it's not altogether
meaningful to say a matrix has 9 columns when it has zero