On Sun, 7 Feb 2010, [ISO-8859-1] Patricio Cuar�n wrote:
OS: windows 7, locale: es_AR
gretl: today's cvs, english UI
In a script window I wrote a script with an accented character. e.g.
"Recaudación". Select that string, hit ctrl-c, ctrl-v and the following
appears in the script window: "Recaudaci³n". The problem appears to be on
copying rather than pasting, given that copying the last string
("Recaudaci³n) yields "Recaudación" on other windows programs.
I can't replicate that problem on Linux; I'll have to try on
ps. Should I keep sending these kind of bugs if I come across
them? They might take away time for more important issues.
By all means report problems of this sort. They're not the
highest priority but they should be fixed if possible.
Allin Cottrell