I posted a question few days ago but wasn't clear about my problem so I didn't
receive the answer I was looking for. That is why I present my problem again. I was using
standard non-seasonal ARIMA(1,1,1) model which should be on the form:
Y^(t) = c + Y(t-1) + Phi*(Y(t-1)-Y(t-2)) + theta*e(t-1)
I got parameters from Gretl for c, Phi and theta. I also got time series for Y(t) and
Y^(t) for many values of t's.
I assumed that e(t-1) = Y(t) - Y^(t-1) in order to compare values of Y^(t) that the model
got and what I should get on the spreadsheet by using the values for above parameters and
the above equation. The values didnt match at all. There seemed to be no systemic
explanation for the difference between Y^(t) that the model got and what I got. I did this
several times for various time series but wasnt able to set up the calculations right so
that I would get the same results as the forecasted values.
Much thanks in advance
Kveðja / With regards
Gústaf Steingrímsson
Sérfræðingur / Analyst
Áhættustýring / Risk Management
Sími / Tel.: (+354) 410 6993
Farsími / Mobile: (+354) 820 2646
Fax: (+354) 410 3010
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