On Tue, 2 Aug 2016, Henrique Andrade wrote:
Dear Allin,
Using Gretl for Windows (32 bit) when I try to open a second stance
(double-clicking on a .inp file) the letters of the warning box simply
disappear. Please take a look at the attached file.
Thanks for the report. I'm able to reproduce the problem with the
current 32-bit build. (The 2016c release is OK in this respect, and
the current 64-bit build is also OK.)
I recently updated the GTK stack for the gretl Windows build (glib,
pango and gtk DLLs) and it seems this has produced some subtle
breakage. I'll probably just revert that update, but it's very
puzzling: I have no idea where in the stack that problem could be
coming from!