On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti schrieb:
> On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, andreas.rosenblad(a)ltv.se wrote:
>> I think this is a reason to release a new stable version 1.6.6 with this
>> problem fixed. It is not good to have a last stable release (version
>> 1.6.5)
>> with this problem.
> Unfortunately, CVS is not in my opinion in a releasable state yet. The
> main addition that needs ironing out is restricted VECM models, which is
> also undocumented in the manual (I'll try and find some time next week
> to work on this).
Well, if no casual user is aware of this new and half-finished
addition, 1.6.6 could be released w/o mentioning it, and then
get it ready for 1.6.7.
I tend to agree with Sven on this. It's true, we're not finished
with the work on VECM restrictions, but I don't think we've broken
anything in that area since 1.6.5. And we have fixed quite a few
bugs across the board (see below).
What other things have been touched since 1.6.5 and need testing
before release?
The thing I've been working on most recently is a re-vamping of
various distribution-related items under the Tools menu (p-values,
critical values, hypothesis tests, distribution graphs). Also
moving the GUI random-variable generator over to the same
interface as those other items. I've done some testing on this,
but it could do with some more.
I've also updated gretl.pot file in CVS. Cri has updated the
Italian translation but the other still need doing.
I'm appending the current ChangeLog.
version 1.6.6, in progress
- Add heckit estimator
- Fix for loop on empty list
- Fix for remaining issues with apostrophes in graph titles
- Fix for lists as arguments for user-defined functions
- Fix for saved sessions after using Forecast menu items
- Fix for long variable names in Model Graph menus
- Improve formatting for nonparametric difference test
- Add "ceil" function in genr
- Add "--p-values" option to show p-values instead of slopes
for logit, probit models
- Add options to GUI for xtab command (cross-tabulation);
also add Fisher's Exact Test for 2 x 2 tables
- Fix for graphing the time trend, and for graphs displaying
more than 8 series
- Fix for length of correlogram on weekly data
- Fix for null matrix arguments to user functions in GUI
- Fix for floating point values in "set" when using
decimal comma
- Fix for opening cross-sectional gretl data sets in R version
2.5.0 or higher
- Fixes for autoregressive genr formula: speed-up, and fix bug
when such formulae are used in an nls/mle block
- Double maximum length to gretl command line to 8192 bytes
- Gamma p-values: switch to shape/scale parameterization
- Spearman's rho: fix for case with ties
- Allow for syntax change re. missing values in gnuplot 4.3
- "corr" command: add --spearman and --kendall options
- Rank correlation in GUI: add Kendall's tau option
- Fix a few issues with extreme values in cdf, pvalue code
- add gamma() function in genr to generate gamma random
- Modify Locke's test to use Kendall's tau
- Add ginv() (Moore-Penrose inverse) matrix function
- Add multivariate Portmanteau test for autocorrelation in
VARs (Ljung-Box)
- Allow concatenation of multiple short-form options, as
in "-rdq"
- Modify retrieval of info from VARs: $coeff gets the matrix
of coefficients, $compan gets the companion matrix
- gretlcli: Ctrl-X exits without prompting for save
- Databases: allow selection of more than one series for
display, graphing, importing
- Databases: allowing deletion of series from native gretl
databases (if the user has write access)
- New command, "dataset": subsumes the old "addobs" and
"transpos", while adding new options
- fftw DLL for Windows: fix a problem experienced on some
Windows systems