Am 14.04.2017 um 18:27 schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Fri, 14 Apr 2017, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> could it be (Apr 11th snapshot) that gretl isn't always
> re-reading/re-loading functions from included scripts that have been
> edited?
> BTW, I also noticed that in this case gretl didn't spit out
the nested
> hierarchy of functions called before getting to the error, as it
> usually (sometimes?) does.
Sven, is the file in question plain .inp, or .gfn? And is the command
you're using "include" or "run"? And am I right in assuming
you're using
the GUI program?
It's .inp (I already realized at another occasion that an edited gfn
isn't re-read in the same session, but I thought that was understandable
--not a bug-- and didn't report it). The command is include, and this is
running from the script editor window, yes (not gretlcli).