what I mean is best explained by example:
- open File/Databases/Dbnomics/browse
- Locate and double-click on ECB
- I get a window saying "gretl: ECB datasets" at the top, and at the
bottom "show datasets 1-40 of 91"
When I click on the first column header "Code" on the little arrow, I
can sort the entries alphabetically (increasing or decreasing). That's
fine, but it only considers the 40 datasets in the current window.
That's of limited use, I think. Because typically you want to sort over
the entire set, not the arbitrary portion that happens to fit in the
Similarly, the search facility does not allow to search in the labels of
all ECB datasets, only the current 40. (Or alternatively, going down one
level and search in the selected dataset, which is something different.)
Or am I missing something there?
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