I updated the pt_BR.po files and now I'm testing the translation on my
Macintosh and it works really fine. Additionally, I'm also testing the
translation on Windows computers.
I actually tested in two different Windows based computers and the
results were a little bit confusing (the first display the results
correctly, the other didn't). Please, look the following results:
Média var. dependente 0,004595
D.P. var. dependente 0,041708
Soma resíd. quadrados 0,227919
E.P. da regressão 0,037625
R-quadrado 0,196207
R-quadrado ajustado 0,186222
F(2, 161) 19,65016
P-valor(F) 2,31e-08
Log da verossimilhança 306,7418
Critério de Akaike -607,4836
Critério de Schwarz -598,1840
Critério Hannan-Quinn -603,7083
rô 0,365419
Estatística de Durbin-Watson 1,260998
OS/X Leopard
Média var. dependente 0,004595 D.P. var. dependente 0,041708
Soma resíd. quadrados 0,227919 E.P. da regressão 0,037625
R-quadrado 0,196207 R-quadrado ajustado 0,186222
F(2, 161) 19,65016 P-valor(F) 2,31e-08
Log da verossimilhança 306,7418 Critério de Akaike −607,4836
Critério de Schwarz −598,1840 Critério Hannan-Quinn −603,7083
rô 0,365419 Durbin-Watson 1,260998
I'd realized that the problem is occurring in the line
"Durbin-Watson", that appears "Estatística de Durbin-Watson" in the
Windows XP. I'm a PoEdit user and tried to fix that problem editing
the pt_BR.po, but I didn't found any problems in the .po file.
So, what's the problem? Can you help me to discover what I'm doing wrong?
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
P.S.: Allin, I'm speaking about the pt_BR.po file that I`d sent to
you. I though that it was perfectly fine, but when I made the
additional tests I found this problem. I'm sorry!