is there a summary somewhere about what works and what doesn't with
X-13, as opposed to X-12?
I know that on the main gretl web page --plus the Windows and Mac pages
there-- X-13 is offered for installation. From time to time there is
some discussion on the mailing lists on how to use it as a drop-in
replacement for the older X-12. But gretl's documentation basically
never mentions it it seems. Examples:
- web page:
- built-in strings: $x12a and $x12adir
- estimation option --x-12-arima to the "arma" command; and associated
command ref plus section 31.2 in the guide
- menu entry Variable/X-12-Arima analysis
My understanding is that all this works when the user sets the path to
the installed X-13 right. Is this summary correct? Is there any
advantage these days to use the older X-12 instead of X-13?
Especially if the last answer is no, I guess all the references above
could be changed to refer to x13. If coexistence is wanted I could
mention this in the guide somewhere. But maybe I'm missing something.