On Mon, 19 Feb 2018, Sven Schreiber wrote:
this is with yesterday's snapshot, but it's probably a little
older than
that. I think it's pretty severe, because it distorts data and is not always
To start with, run this code (in the GUI):
open denmark
smpl 1979:1 1985:4 # subsample
series dm = 400 * ldiff(LRM)
smpl --full
series xsd = normal()
series x = 0
smpl 1975:1 1985:4
plot dm
options time-series
option band=x,xsd,1.96
option band-style=fill,dark-grey
printf "set xrange [1975:1985]"
end plot --output=display
Then, edit the plot (right-click, edit). Increase the font size, click "OK",
then "Apply".
What happens for me is that the data series (in this case the points on the
one hand and the filled bands OTOH) become mismatched, at least one of them
is shifted horizontally.
It seems --though I'm not sure-- that the missing values in one of the series
are crucial to get this wrong behavior.
I think you're right on the last point: things are getting out of
phase in the reprinting of the data on account of the missing values.
There should be a fix before too long.