On Wed, 10 Jan 2007, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Ok I'm sorry for this email flood, but they're all separate issues I'm
> submitting while I encounter them.
> I wanted to package some of the functions (File->Function files-> new
> package...), but got the error: "You must specify a public interface"
> though I had done so.
> All my public functions have more than 15 chars however, and I noticed
> the truncation in the public interface text field. So is that the cause?
> Is it intended?
Yes; No. This is now fixed in CVS.
As for edits to helper functions disappearing, I think this is an
infelicity (perhaps) rather than a bug. When you've made changes
to the helper function, click the save icon in its edit window.
Then to save the changes to the _package_, click the Save button
in the main packager window. I've tried experimenting with this
and it seems to work OK.