El Miércoles, 17 de Enero de 2007 17:39, Allin Cottrell escribió:
On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza wrote:
> Is there any relevant reason to restrict "append" for not using in a
> loop? (I need it in a "foreach ..." loop).
Probably not. I'll do some checking.
> and, do we have a command to pause the execution of a gretl script? (as
> "sleep" or "wait" in other languages)
With a time parameter, as in "sleep 5" (seconds, maybe)? That
would not be difficult, if it's wanted. Or a "press any key to
continue" sort of thing?
Now I need the first one, but probably it would be good to have the second one
as well.
You may see my problem in the script below. The function tries to linearize
automatically a list os series (interpolate missing observations and correct
outliers) trough TRAMO. (It is not finished yet as it has some problems with
missing data and unadjusted series). Gretl processes the line "append" some
miliseconds before the previous Windows command has finished, so I need a way
to slow down the execution of the "append" command. Uncommenting the three
lines of the (unnneded) ARIMA loop pauses gretl a bit and works for me.
[to run it, you will have to correct the Windows paths]
open data9-9
set echo off
set messages off
scalar nobser = nobs(nocars)
scalar anyo=1959
#startp: start period
scalar startp=1
#period: periodicity
scalar period=4
#list xlist = nocars pop Y price primert
list xlist = price
function tramolin clear
function tramolin(list xlist, scalar nobser, scalar anyo, scalar startp,
scalar period)
if nelem(xlist) = 0
funcerr "The list of variables cannot be empty"
end if
loop foreach i xlist --quiet
outfile --write "C:\Archivos de programa\gretl\tramo\$i"
printf "%s\n", "$i"
printf "%.8g %.8g %.8g %.8g\n", nobser, anyo, startp, period
loop j=1..nobser --quiet
scalar jj=j
scalar dato = $i[jj]
printf "%.8g\n", dato
printf "$INPUT RSA=3 $\n"
printf "\n"
outfile --close
! cmd /c "cd tramo && tramo -i $i -k $i.ser "
outfile --write "C:\Archivos de
printf "%s\n", "$i_lin"
outfile --close
! cmd /c "cd tramo\graph\series && more +6 xlin.t >>
# loop i=1..2
# arima 0 0 2 ; $i
# endloop
end function
tramolin(xlist, nobser, anyo, startp, period)
append "C:\Archivos de programa\gretl\tramo\graph\series\price-lin.txt"
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)