the following minimal demonstration script:
open denmark
loop i=1985:1..1985:4
printf "the period: %s\n", obslabel(i)
end loop
yields the following output for me:
gretl-Version 1.8.6cvs
Aktuelle Sitzung: 2009-12-09 19:00
? open denmark
Lese Datendatei /usr/local/share/gretl/data/misc/denmark.gdt
Periodizität: 4, max-Beob.: 55,
Beobachtungsbereich: 1974:1-1987:3
Liste 5 Variablen auf:
0) const 1) LRM 2) LRY 3) IBO 4) IDE
? loop i=1985:1..1985:4
printf "the period: %s\n", obslabel(i)
end loop
loop: i = 1985:2
the period: 1985:1
loop: i = 1985:3
the period: 1985:2
loop: i = 1985:4
the period: 1985:3
loop: i = 1986:1
the period: 1985:4
Anzahl an Iterationen: 4
Notice that gretl's echo/message w.r.t. the loop index seems to be ahead
of the actual loop index by one. But the bug seems harmless, as nothing
substantial is affected.
Or am I missing something?