On Wed, 2 Nov 2011, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Tue, 1 Nov 2011, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> (b) Row and/or column names are attached to the gretl_matrix struct
> itself, rather than the wrapper. That is more plausible, but I still
> don't like it much. The extra memory required for an empty
> gretl_matrix would only be two pointers (8 bytes on a 32-bit system)
> but it represents additional complexity that I'd prefer to keep out
> of what is in concept a mathematical type.
I agree: matrices should stay as lean-and-mean as possible. Besides, there is
the possibility of achieving Artur's original aim in Hansl, albeit in a way
that most people will find a bit convoluted: here's two ways to do it. My
personal preference goes to func2, but I happen to like bundles quite a lot.
Sorry for the noise: (1) I forgot to send my previous message to the
users' list; (2) there was a small glitch in func2 (corrected below); (3)
I'd like to express my point more explicitly: IMO, base types such as
matrices should stay as unencumbered by extra info (or metadata, call it
what you want) in the interest of efficiency. If you really need to wrap
up a complex set of information into one entity, that's exactly what
bundles are for.
set echo off
set messages off
function string func1(scalar r, scalar c, matrix *m)
string rl = ""
loop i=1..r --quiet
sprintf rl "%s,row_%d", rl, i
end loop
string cl = ""
loop i=1..c --quiet
sprintf cl "%s,col_%d", cl, i
end loop
m = zeros(r,c)
sprintf ret "%s %s", rl, cl
return ret
end function
function bundle func2(scalar r, scalar c)
bundle ret
string rl = ""
loop i=1..r --quiet
sprintf rl "%s row_%d", rl, i
end loop
ret["Rlab"] = rl
string cl = ""
loop i=1..c --quiet
sprintf cl "%s col_%d", cl, i
end loop
ret["Clab"] = cl
m = zeros(r,c)
ret["X"] = m
return ret
end function
# ----- using func1 -----------------------------
a = {}
boo = func1(3,2,&a)
rowlab = strsub(strsplit(boo, 1), ",", " ")
collab = strsub(strsplit(boo, 2), ",", " ")
rownames(a, rowlab)
colnames(a, collab)
print a
# ----- using func2 -----------------------------
bundle zoo = func2(3,2)
rowlab = zoo["Rlab"]
collab = zoo["Clab"]
a = zoo["X"]
rownames(a, rowlab)
colnames(a, collab)
print a
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche