On Sat, 1 Oct 2016, Sven Schreiber wrote:
I've done some experiments to get (vertical) lines indicating
confidence intervals into a plot with gnuplot. Basically I have one question
and one feature request.
First the question: it concerns some gnuplot code which works in pure gnuplot
but not as a saved graph symbol in gretl's session view. Here's a concrete
example: Start by running the following hansl snippet in gretl:
nulldata 10
setobs 1 1990 --time-series
series y = 2 * normal()
series width = uniform()
test <- plot y
options time-series with-lines
options band=y,width band-style=fill,0x000000
end plot --output=display
Now in the produced plotting code (right-click the graph symbol and choose
"edit plot commands") there's the following line:
'-' using 1:($2-1*$3):($2+1*$3) notitle lc rgb "#000000" w filledcurve,
If I copy the entire code into a new text file and load that in gnuplot it
works alright.
Then I change (two things in) the line above to obtain (notice the extra
'-' using 1:($2):($2-1*$3):($2+1*$3) notitle lc rgb "#000000" w
errorbars, \
... and loading the modified file in gnuplot produces what I want (attached).
However, if I apply these exact modifications to the plotting commands saved
in the session view icon of the graph and try to view the result, I get an
"unspecified error". So the question is simply, why doesn't it work there?
Are you sure about the "exact" in that statement? When I edit the
plot file as you specify it works both in stand-alone gnuplot and in
gnuplot as called from gretl (e.g. by clicking the "gears" icon in
the plot editor window, or, after saving the revised plot, by
double-clicking on the plot's icon. I know of no reason why it would
fail in the second case if it works in the first.
The associated feature request is to enable an errorbars option to
band-plotting apparatus. Basically adding a new band-style option "errorbars"
which writes the gnuplot code that I have described above.
Yes, that would be a good thing to add.