Would it be possible to have more control over the output from mle?
My preferences are as follows:
A. For normal output (not "--verbose" or "--quiet"): print a simple
iteration log giving the iteration number and value of the
log-likelihood for the iteration.
B. An option to switch off printing of the results for normal output
- useful for functions that access mle because it may be necessary to
generate a results table containing transformed variables.
C. For direct use of mle it is helpful to know the number of
function and gradient evaluations, but again I would prefer to be
able to suppress this for functions that embed it.
D. An accessor $niter which gives the total number of iterations for
the last model.
I realise that some of the output may be generated by standard
settings for either nls or the BFGS maximizer, so any changes might
apply to those commands rather than mle.
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