Release of 1.8.1
by Allin Cottrell
I've now put up gretl 1.8.1 on sourceforge. Here are a couple of
1) To anyone who translated the page for gretl on OS X: please
update your translations and I'll upload them as soon as I can.
The information has changed. For the present I'm linking the
translations to the English-language page soas to avoid giving
misleading directions.
2) The OS X build is not totally up to date with CVS. When I get
a chance to make a new OS X build I will issue a 1.8.2 update.
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University
15 years, 9 months
Translation question
by Henrique
Dear developers,
When I try to see the properties of a matrix Gretl (in English) shows:
Properties of matrix Teste
Rows 2
Columns 2
Rank 1
Upper triangular
1-norm 1
Infinity-norm 2
Trace 1
Determinant 0
(1, 0)
(0, 0)
But if I try to do this in Portuguese (pt or pt_BR) Gretl shows me:
Norma-1 1
Norma-infinito 2
Traço 1
Determinante 0
Note that the "Traço" field has a wrong indentation. A similar problem
occurs with the French translation, look:
1-norm 1
Infinity-norm 2
Trace 1
Déterminant 0
Now the problem is on the "Déterminant" field. I think the problems are
related to the accented fields (Traço and Déterminant).
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
15 years, 9 months
gretl 1.8.1 delay
by Allin Cottrell
Sorry folks, I had planned to have 1.8.1 out by now but I'm away
from home and I discovered a new bug in the GUI session save/open
for (some) ARMA models. That's fixed in CVS but the difficulty is
that I can't directly make an updated OS X disk image, since
the Mac I use for this purpose is behind a firewall an ocean away.
I will have to write and send a script to do the update.
15 years, 9 months
A Translation Question
by Henrique
I would like to know what the lines 2573 and 2577 of the Brazilian
Portuguese mean (because I would like to translate them appropriately).
2573. (for logical AND, use '&&')\n
2577. (for logical OR, use '||')\n
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
15 years, 9 months
A Translation Question
by Henrique
I would like to know what the lines 2573 and 2577 of the Brazilian
Portuguese mean (because I would like to translate them appropriately).
2573. (for logical AND, use '&&')\n
2577. (for logical OR, use '||')\n
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
15 years, 9 months
function package path
by Sven Schreiber
it seems that gretl looks for function packages only in its main
directory (settable in the preferences, I know I know...)
would there be any drawbacks if gretl also looked in the current
workdir, or in general performed a path search as with data or script
files (see 4.4 of the command reference)?
The use case is very simple and general: I have a function package file
(.gfn) and want to open/load it. Currently it seems before I can do that
I must manually copy it to the gretl main dir, which is a bit of a
hassle. And even if I sound very "whiny", in a week I will have
forgotten again where I need to save such files, and I have to dig in
the manuals again.
15 years, 9 months
stopwatch problem
by Sven Schreiber
I'm getting negative numbers from using $stopwatch differences, could
there be some sort of underflow problem?
What I do is a typical simulation exercise:
set stopwatch
t_sim1 = 0
loop for simrun=1..replications --quiet
<create random numbers>
loop for t=1..T --quiet
<do stuff with random numbers>
start = $stopwatch
<do more stuff>
stop = $stopwatch
<do more stuff>
t_sim1 += stop-start
end loop # t
end loop # simrun
print t_sim1
And t_sim1 is reproducibly negative.
However, in some other parts of the code, such cumulated running times
are not producing negative output, so it's more subtle. That's also the
reason why I'm not able to give you a minimal example so far, but I'll
keep trying.
Oh this is with a fairly new snapshot/cvs version, both on windows and
BTW and totally unrelated: Is it true that the user guide doesn't have a
section on plain VARs? (as opposed to the great VECM ch.)
15 years, 9 months