Feature request: line numbers
by Logan Kelly
So speaking of feature requests. Here is one for Gretl 3.0;-)
In the script editor, could line numbers be set to on by default?
11 years, 4 months
gtk version in gretl build
by Allin Cottrell
Heads-up: in the gretl 1.9.13 release (coming shortly) I'm reversing the
preference order between gtk 2 and gtk 3. Up till now we have "preferred"
gtk 2, but now that gtk 3 is mature we'll switch. That is:
1) If both gtk 3 and gtk 2 are present and no relevant option is given to
./configure, gretl will be built against gtk 3.
2) If you have both and prefer using gtk 2, you should give the option
3) If you only have gtk 2, no problem, it'll get used.
However, note one thing: if you're using gtk 3 you'll also need version
3.0 of gtksourceview (for syntax highlighting).
11 years, 4 months
2 small suggestions
by Talha Yalta
Hi all,
I have 2 small suggestions:
1)- I think it is better if gretl does not ask "start a new gretl
instance?" Other programs (R, LibreOffice, ...) don't do this.
2)- When importing data from an odf, csv, (or other) file; if something
goes wrong (such as selecting the wrong worksheet), gretl deletes the entry
of the file from the recently used files list. This can be annoying because
then the user has to browse through the directories to re-show the file.
IMHO, no file should be deleted from such lists unless the file cannot be
“Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.” – Herbert
C. Hoover (1874-1964)
11 years, 4 months
window-switching keystroke
by Allin Cottrell
Coming out of discussion of the gretl-quartz build for Mac, it seemed to
me that since gretl has a multi-window design it might indeed be useful to
have a keyboard shortcut for switching between gretl windows.
I've now implemented this in CVS and snapshots. On the Mac it's bound to
command+` (accent grave). On other platforms it's bound to Ctrl+` at
For non-Mac users: this is basically like a within-application version of
Alt-Tab. If anyone has ideas for a more idiomatic binding for Windows
and/or X11, please say.
For Mac users: I can't guarantee that this works just as it does with
"real" Mac applications. What it should do in gretl is cycle through the
gretl top-level windows, raising and giving focus to each in turn, and
wrapping around when you get to the end of the list.
11 years, 4 months
validation of function files
by Hélio Guilherme
When compiling from CVS there were errors in genr_funcs.xml (and Italian).
I am also "slowly" preparing genr_funcs_pt.xml. The validate program is
only prepared for the gretl_commands.xml file type, from the time the
functions were included.
If you have the time, can you please adapt the validate.c to be used with
the functions files?
This is the outputs:
[helio@centos64 commands]$ ./validate genr_funcs.xml
genr_funcs.xml:4485: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: para
line 4473 and description
genr_funcs.xml:4486: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch:
description line 4472 and function
genr_funcs.xml:7413: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch:
function line 4467 and funclist
genr_funcs.xml:7414: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch:
funclist line 919 and funcref
genr_funcs.xml:7415: parser error : Premature end of data in tag funcref
line 4
Error parsing genr_funcs.xml
[helio@centos64 commands]$ ./validate genr_funcs_pt.xml
File of the wrong type, root node not commandref
Error parsing genr_funcs_pt.xml
Attached are small scripts to help the verification of the update of
commands and functions, prepared for Portuguese (feel free to adapt).
Included are also the two result files.
Example run:
cd gretl/doc/commands
(outputs d_ep.txt, a side by side diff of validate)
11 years, 4 months
Translation questions
by Sven Schreiber
after quite a while I'm finally updating the German translation, and as
always have a couple of questions:
1) "Using %d quadrature points" -- quadrature as in integration?
2) General reminder questions: literal quotes need to be escaped like
this: \" Correct?
3) "Pseudo-point observations": what's this?
11 years, 4 months
No error although "append" fails
by Sven Schreiber
trying to append .gdt data (via GUI on Windows snapshot Oct 11th), which
fails silently. Both files are monthly time series, but with different
ranges; I just want to append the data portion in the overlapping range
11 years, 4 months
model table options
by Artur T.
I quite often use the modeltab command and its output to tex-files.
Usually I attache a name to a model like e.g. "Model_1". Unfortunately
the defualt column headings are "(1), (2), ..." and one cannot change
this via the script (at least as far as I know). So, everytime you run a
script which automatically generates the table(s), the output is not as
demanded and one need to setup up the things manually at the very
beginning. These options then apply to all tables following, which is of
course bit annoying. I think it would be worth to add a some options as
1. "set modtab_colhead NAME"
2. "set modtab_colhead ABC"
3. "set modtab_colhead 123"
4. "set modtab I"
Similar for decimal places:
"set modtab_dec int" #choose an integer value
Option for parantheses:
"set modtab_parant pval" #show p-values
"set modtab_parant asterisk" #show sign. asterisks
What do you think about it?
11 years, 4 months
modeltab clear -> no error
by Artur T.
Hi all,
as far as I know "modeltab clear" was replaced by "modeltab free". But
using the old "clear" command does not result in an error message.
Furthermore "free" is not highlighted, but "clear" is within the
"modeltab" command
open denmark
ols LRM 0 LRY
modeltab add
modeltab show
modeltab clear # -> no error
modeltab free # "free" is not highlighted
11 years, 4 months