problem with pointerized bundle member
by Sven Schreiber
I run into problems (=error) when I try to pass a bundle element as a
function argument in pointerized form. Minimal script:
function void hey(matrix *hu)
print "hey"
end function
bundle bbb = ones(2,2)
I also tried "&(" (with parentheses), with no luck. I can
actually understand why pointing to something inside a bundle would be
problematic, but OTOH since we want to do lots of stuff with bundles and
still avoid copying large chunks of data, I'm wondering what the
recommended solution would be.
9 years, 1 month
Translation questions
by Sven Schreiber
there were a few accumulated changes because of my laziness, and I have
a couple of questions:
* "Wrote gfn file as\n" -- "wrote" as synonym for "saved"? (Perhaps
using "saved" also uniformly in English then?)
* Does it exceed the length in context to translate "FEVD" as "FEVD
(Prognosefehlervarianzzerlegung)", which by the way is a nice example of
German composita words...?
* And similar for "IRF" -> "IRF (Impulsantwortfunktion)"
* line 16486: "Full" meaning complete, total, no space left...?
* In "eigenvalues of X'X, largest to smallest", there is an isolated
single quote. I remember once that I had introduced something like that
in the German translation ("Gauß'sche") which made German gretl crash?
Is this safe here now?
* "note: variance proportions columns sum to 1.0" - "note" as a noun or
the imperative of the verb? (I guess both mean the same thing though...)
* "%s: invalid option argument": should it rather be "optional", or what
does this mean here (line 6206)
* line 8673: "filter": noun or verb?
* line 17450: "condition index" -- context? I'm clueless.
At the risk of being redundant, let me remind my fellow translators of
this multilingual statistical glossary:
9 years, 3 months
Additions required to the AppData file
by Richard Hughes (semi-automated)
First, apologies for the direct email. I'm emailing you directly as you've been listed as the update contact in one or more AppData files. In future versions of the appstream-builder (the program used by distributions to merge all the AppData files in packages into AppStream metadata) we're going to be running a lot less crazy plugins. At the moment we're doing things like parsing .gir files, running nm on binaries and looking up things from arrays of hardcoded data just so we can try and work out what kudos the application deserves. This doesn't scale, and means the machine generating the metadata needs to have all kinds of extra build tools installed.
So, what do I want you to do? Basically, I would like you to:
Add the following data into gretl.appdata.xml
Of course, you don't have to do a release with this fix straight away, and if you have a stable branch it would be a good thing to backport this as well. Nothing bad will happen if we run the automated tools with the kudos already set in the AppData file. If you think any of the other kudos might apply[1], please email me back and we can discuss any new additions.
When you've changed the file and committed, please email me back and I'll mark your application as completed. If you don't want to hear from me ever again just edit the <update_contact> in the AppData file and change it to somebody else. I'm not planning on emailing any of you again this year, so don't worry about me spamming you with even more work to do. If you don't add the manual <kudos> then your application will still be visible in the various software centers, but it may loose some of the stars it got auto-assigned.
9 years, 3 months
Proposal for some changes to the German translation
by Johannes Lips
Dear all,
while using the German version today I found some minor things, which
kind of bugged me, because I didn't find them quite nice.
Therefore I created the following patch with my proposed changes. It
would be great if someone could give me some feedback if that's better
or not.
9 years, 3 months
problem of Google for mailing list search
by Sven Schreiber
recently Google has started to require acceptance a new and arguably
very problematic "privacy" policy (probably a better term would be
non-privacy). I just realized / was reminded that gretl's mailing lists
searches use Google, and if you don't agree to the new terms it seems to
me that searching becomes impossible.
Is there another way to search the mailing lists? If not, I think it is
another reason to somehow change the online discussion framework.
9 years, 3 months
Fwd: [gretl:feature-requests] #90 Need help
by Sven Schreiber
Hi devels,
I think this email and the other one from a few days ago indicate that
the visibility of the mailing lists is too low. Next week I will see
what I can do in terms of adding some hints/warnings on the sourceforge
tracker pages.
But perhaps the old idea to somehow add a forum-like interface is also
on the table.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [gretl:feature-requests] #90 Need help
Datum: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 12:05:52 +0000
Von: StatisticsHenrik <statisticshb(a)>
Antwort an: Ticket 90 <90(a)>
An: Ticket 90 <90(a)>
** [feature-requests:#90] Need help**
**Status:** open
**Group:** Next_Release_(example)
**Created:** Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:05 PM UTC by StatisticsHenrik
**Last Updated:** Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:05 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
i dont know whether this is this is the right place for asking some
general questions about programming with gretl or not, but i couldnt
find another.
I have to write something for my professor in statistics but im not
used to gretl.
I know that i can implement gnuplot commands in my gretl code with
{commands...} but it doesnt work.
To be more exact i want to change the line color line width in the code
and now manual in the outputwindows of the plot
Greeting form Germany Henrik B.
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9 years, 3 months
mkarray() function
by Allin Cottrell
There's a newish function in git, not yet documented. I'd appreciate
any comments as to whether it's worth keeping.
The mkarray() function creates an array of a specified type in
extenso, that is, by specification of a number of elements (as many as
you like). Examples:
strings S = mkarray("1 A", "2 B", "3 C", "4 D")
matrices M = mkarray(I(3), zeros(n,1), qform(x,A))
9 years, 3 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] mkarray() function
by Dr. Logan Kelly
Sounds absolutely wonderful! Cannot wait to try it. Is it in the snapshot yet?
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>
Date: 2015/11/19 10:41 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Gretl development <gretl-devel(a)>
Subject: [Gretl-devel] mkarray() function
There's a newish function in git, not yet documented. I'd appreciate
any comments as to whether it's worth keeping.
The mkarray() function creates an array of a specified type in
extenso, that is, by specification of a number of elements (as many as
you like). Examples:
strings S = mkarray("1 A", "2 B", "3 C", "4 D")
matrices M = mkarray(I(3), zeros(n,1), qform(x,A))
Gretl-devel mailing list
9 years, 3 months
ternary operator
by Allin Cottrell
This is in response to Sven's observation in
where he pointed out that the second "list" statement fails in the
open denmark
list lolo = LRY
list lulu = (1==1) ? LRY : LRM
I initially replied, "This is tricky. In the first case the object
being assigned to a list is a named series from the dataset, which is
OK. In the second case it's the series product of a calculation, and
in general that's not acceptable; for example you cannot say
list L = x/3"
In fact this reply was a bit off the mark. Looking at the code, I see
that gretl is well aware of the case where the ternary operator simply
"passes through" one of its operands, without any calculation being
required. That's the case with the second list example above, so why
wasn't it working?
The blockage was a safeguard against "double-freeing" (memory
management gets quite complicated in "genr"). When the ternary
operator passed through one of its operands unmodified, we made a copy
of the result (as if it had been the result of a real calculation).
I'm now 99 percent sure that this safeguard is redundant; I think it
has been superceded by improved general memory management. So I've
commented it out in current git and snapshots.
This means that Sven's example above will now work. But if anyone sees
a crash when the ternary operator is used, please let me know! (I've
thrown as many test cases as I could find at it, without exposing any
9 years, 3 months