we need defense and/or marketing
by oleg_komashko@ukr.net
Dear all, A citation The following is a list of free open-source software. We do not teach the use of these programs in our courses. We teach using software that you may encounter is the workplace. Support for these packages is limited
the list of software: FreeMat gretl etc.
sourse: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/ems/for_students/it/free
9 years, 3 months
spurious (IMO) type mismatch
by Sven Schreiber
see this:
open denmark
list lolo = LRY
list lulu = (1==1) ? LRY : LRM
The last line gives an error, and I guess it's because of assigning a
series to a list. (Which however in principle works, see the second line.)
With latest release (2015d).
9 years, 4 months
open ASCI files
by oleg_komashko@ukr.net
Dear all, For example I can't run open http://www.principlesofeconometrics.com/poe4/data/dat/golf.dat (this file as .gdt is supplied with Gretl as a data file for Hill Griffiths Lim) But if download it and rename as golf.dat, gretl open it ok. May be, something like this open filename --as-txt will be useful? It's only suggestion because I can't do costs-benefits analysis: costs are C code, and at the benefits side I do not know how many users will need it.
9 years, 4 months
no error message on 'join' error
by Sven Schreiber
I tried to use 'join' with a native gdt file and a "--data"
specification. Because of some mistake the variable given in the
"--data" option did not exist in the gdt file. The script then stops,
but there is no error message, nothing.
9 years, 4 months
can't save an (imported from .csv) file via GUI
by oleg_komashko@ukr.net
Dear all, .csv file
var1,var2,var3 21,“male”,2 22,“female”,3 23,“male”,4
is read ok, e.g. var1
1 21 2 22 3 23
1 “male” 2 “female” 3 “male” For, example series var4 = var2 + 5 is ok
But gretl\File\Save data, gretl:save file\save crashes Gretl Oleh
9 years, 4 months
bundles and series
by Allin Cottrell
Herewith a note on the status of series as members of bundles. This is
not well documented and -- I have to admit -- was not very well
thought out at first.
The basic point is that series are not exactly "first-class citizens"
in bundles. With most objects that can be put into bundles, you should
be able to get exactly the same object back out; if that fails it's a
bug that ought to be (and can be) fixed. But series are different: a
series can exist only as an element of a dataset, and the "meaning" of
a series is dependent on the characteristics of the dataset (cross
sectional sample of a certain size, time series of some definite
frequency, panel with some definite time-series dimension).
It's easy enough to put a series into a bundle (assuming a dataset is
in place when the bundle is constructed), but whether you can get the
"same series" back out later depends on what has happened to the
dataset in the meantime. A bundle can "survive" changes to the dataset
-- observations added or removed, or the dataset switched altogether
using the --preserve option, or even the removal of any dataset (if
the bundle is written to file then read back from file when no dataset
is in place).
All we can guarantee is that you can get the data back from a bundled
series in some form, but if no suitable dataset is in place to "host"
the data as a series you'll only be able to get the values back as a
"free-floating" column vector.
In the following I'll use N to denote the full length, or number of
observations, of the current dataset at a specific point in time.
In the original implementation, here's what happened: when you added a
series to a bundle we stored it as a simple array of doubles, along
with a record of its length (which was always the current N). If you
later tried to get it out as a series, we checked whether the recorded
length matched the now-current N: if not you'd get an error -- but you
could still extract it as a matrix (column vector) OK.
Here's what's new in git. When you add a series to a bundle we store a
column vector (gretl_matrix) of length equal to the current sample
range, and on this matrix we record the current sample-range limits,
t1 and t2. We can then be a bit more flexible in getting the data back
out as a series: the criterion is now that t2 <= N. Given t1 and t2 we
can fit the data back into the "right place" even if the length of the
vector != N.
Below is a hansl snippet which illustrates a possible procedure for a
function writer. We first put a series into a bundle. The "..."
indicates intervening actions by the user, which might alter the
characteristics of the dataset. So when we later want to get a series
out of b we should allow for the possibility than b.x is not valid as
a series any more.
bundle b
series b.x = x
catch series x = b.x
if $error
# fallback
matrix m = b.x
9 years, 4 months
by Marcin Błażejowski
current git version, hourly data, while saving into *.gdt file we got
sigsegv (gdb output):
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
get_optval_int (ci=ci@entry=125, opt=opt@entry=OPT_Z, err=err@entry=0x0)
at ../lib/src/options.c:1195
1195 if (*err) {
Marcin Błażejowski
GG: 203127
9 years, 4 months
Re: [Gretl-devel] tramo and x13as
by Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
El 30/10/15 a las 14:50, gretl-devel-request(a)lists.wfu.edu escribió:
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 14:34:09 +0100
> From: fdiiorio(a)unina.it
> To: Gretl development <gretl-devel(a)lists.wfu.edu>
> Subject: [Gretl-devel] tramo and x13as
> Message-ID: <20151030143409.58191bq9khqntfbl(a)inbox.unina.it>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";
> format="flowed"
> dear Gretl team,
> I just installed on my w7 PC gretl2015d and I noticed some small
> points with tramo and x13as
> a) in preference/general/programs there is the path box for x12arima
> but not for x13as.
> I put x13as.exe in the x12 path box and everything works, but in the
> menu "variable" remains the entry "X12-arima analysis" as well as in
> title of the associated pop-up result window
> b) using TRAMO, if I ask to save in the dataset the seasonally adjusted series
> nothing happens, while no problem for trend/cicle and irregular component
1) Is the structure of your series correctly defined in gretl?
(/data/Dataset structure...)
2) If yes, has your series seasonal periodicity > 1?
3) If yes again, has your series a seasonal cycle? There are quarterly,
monthly, etc. series that do not contain seasonal cycles. May be this is
your case.
> c) using the tramolin package by Ignacio using the gretl menu
> "variable/linearization by tramo"I obtain the the following message
With a current version of gretl, "tramolin" may be considered
deprecated, because now with
'/Variable/Tramo analysis' you may obtaion the same effect only by
selecting "linearized series" in the "output" tab.
May be it is time to remove it from the server.
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Departamento de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)
Universidad del País Vasco - Euskalherriko Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU
Tfno: (+34) 94 601 3732
9 years, 4 months
assignment to bundle members
by Allin Cottrell
This is partly in response to Sven's posting at
but I thought that for future reference it might be more easily
found under its own subject line.
Up till now it has not been possible to specify the type of a bundle
member when assigning to it. You could say, for bundle b,
b.x = 0
b.m = I(3)
or whatever, but in each case the type of the resulting bundle
member would be decided by the "natural" type of the right-hand side
(RHS) expression (a scalar in the first case above, a matrix in the
second). In most cases this hasn't been a problem, but there's a
case for being able to specify the type in advance.
For one thing there's error-checking: you may have a specific type
in mind, and you'd like to know if the RHS value fails to match that
type right away (rather than waiting until the mismatch generates an
error that's hard to understand later on). For another, you might
want to force a type conversion, if possible. For example, outside
of a bundle you can say
series x = 0
to get a series variable with constant value 0, when the RHS
"naturally" yields a scalar.
Now (in git) you can do this. For example
bundle b
series b.s = 0 # expand scalar to series: OK
scalar b.x = I(3) # incompatible type on RHS: error!
The case that relates particularly to Sven's posting may be
illustrated as follows:
open denmark
bundle b
list L = LRM LRY
matrix b.mat = L
The point here is that you cannot put a list, as such, into a
bundle. There are compelling reasons for this prohibition (which I
can explain if they're not obvious), but nonetheless a savvy hansl
coder might want to put a matrix that represents a list into a
bundle temporarily (and take responsibility for ensuring that the
matrix will subsequently be interpreted as a list only if that
really makes sense in context).
In the example above the list L contains series 1 and 2 from the
"denmark" dataset and so translates to the matrix {1, 2}. Without
the new amendment one would have to do
open denmark
bundle b
list L = LRM LRY
matrix m = L
b.mat = m
which is a bit more roundabout that one would like, and leaves a
redundant matrix "m" lying around.
9 years, 4 months