Re: [Gretl-devel] string arrays: slightly aside ask
by Dr. Logan Kelly
These are not the functions you're looking for[wave hand mysteriously] ;-)
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------
From: "Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti" <r.lucchetti(a)>
Date: 2015/12/13 10:17 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Gretl development <gretl-devel(a)>
Subject: Re: [Gretl-devel] string arrays: slightly aside ask
On Sun, 13 Dec 2015, oleg_komashko(a) wrote:
> Dear Allin, You have just mentioned about undocumented mkarray()
> function/ Can you place a list of undocumented functions and accessors
> in one message? Oleh
They're undocumented for a reason, you know ;)
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
Gretl-devel mailing list
9 years
Call gnuplot within a function
by Artur Tarassow
Dear all,
I just tried to setup a general function which mixes
line-/impulse-plots. List L1 includes variables to plot using lines,
while variables in L2 shall occur with impulses, instead.
However, the following piece shows that gnuplot prints correctly the
plot when I do not call a function.
I cannot figure out where the issue lies. I am using the current
git-version on (l)ubuntu 15.10.
set echo off
set messages off
open denmark.gdt -q
function void indplot(list L1, list L2)
list lplot = L1|| L2
string S1 = varname(L1)
string S2 = varname(L2)
plot lplot
option with-lines=@S1
option with-impulses=@S2
option time-series
#literal set term pdfcairo font 'Helvetica,14' lw 1
literal set key outside below
literal set linetype 2 lc rgb 'black' lw 2
literal set linetype 1 lc rgb 'blue'
literal set linetype 3 lc rgb 'red' lw 2
end plot --output=display
end function
list L1 = LRM
list L2 = IBO
list lplot = L1 || L2
string S1 = varname(L1)
string S2 = varname(L2)
plot lplot
option with-lines=@S1
option with-impulses=@S2
option time-series
#literal set term pdfcairo font 'Helvetica,14' lw 1
literal set key outside below
literal set linetype 2 lc rgb 'black' lw 2
literal set linetype 1 lc rgb 'blue'
literal set linetype 3 lc rgb 'red' lw 2
end plot --output=display
9 years
eigensym() and openblas bug
by Allin Cottrell
Continuing this on devel on account of its technicality. See
for original context.
I said I'd look into this more carefully -- see
Here's what I've found.
1) I can't see anything in the gretl eigensym code that would result
in our sending an invalid pointer argument to the underlying
double-precision Lapack eigenvalues function dsyev. So this does
appear to be an openblas bug (which I believe is specific to 64-bit
2) There's a commit to openblas git from 11 days ago that looks very
relevant (title "Fixed gemv bug for Windows"). See also . This pertains to a
quite general BLAS function, dgemv, which is no doubt called by
dsyev but may also be called by other specialized Lapack functions
on which libgretl depends. So it's important we incorporate the fix.
3) Until today we've packaged a build of openblas 2.14 with our
Windows installers. There's a more recent "stable release" (2.15,
dated 2015-10-27) but it's not recent enough to include the fix
mentioned above. Crashes on Windows have been reported for
version 2.15 (see the "issues" link above).
4) At this point, in our Windows builds, we can either use current
openblas git (2.16dev) -- which I've already done in the snapshot --
or we could try cherry-picking the gemv/Windows patch from
and applying it to openblas 2.15. In the latter case we'd obviously
have to check that this patch in itself works to eliminate the crash
-- that is, there isn't some other crucial difference that I haven't
yet identified.
9 years
exporter for Stata dta format
by Allin Cottrell
New in git and snapshots: you can give the ".dta" suffix with the
"store" command -- or use the Export data item in the GUI -- to
write a dataset in Stata's dta format, version 113 (first introduced
with Stata 8).
If anyone's inclined to test this, that would be good.
(And BTW we can now import from dta format 118, which is written by
Stata 14 -- that could do with some testing too.)
9 years
Explanation only for monthly in example (recession) shading
by Sven Schreiber
a very minor thing: I just checked in the latest snapshot the new
convention and wording of the shading example file. The minor glitch is
that it says the dates have to be in the format "YYYY:MM", even though I
opened it with quarterly data (for example). So I suggest that it should
be amended with "(or YYYY:Q, or YYYY, or YYYY:MM:DD)" or whatever else
is possible.
9 years
Issue with "open" command
by Artur Tarassow
Dear all,
I just ran the following part trying to open an Excel-file but it seems
tha gretl doesn't recognize the file-extension "*.xls" and add "*.gdt"
to it.
open "@path/data/BBK_RealEconIndicators122012_AT.xls" --rowoffset=5
Couldn't open
I am using Ubuntu 15.10. (64) and a current gretl cvs version (today).
Btw, the messages doesn't appear using Win 7.
9 years
subsampling and out-of-sample values
by Sven Schreiber
Hi again,
as you will notice, I am currently working on a real-life panel dataset,
and so here's another panel problem, with example; the following doesn't
work for me ("no obs would be left"):
open abdata.gdt
smpl IND == 3 --restrict # leaves 89 obs
smpl unit == min(unit) --restrict # lowest unit value of the 89 obs is 6
My guess is that gretl evaluates min(unit) not as the lowest in-sample
value (after applying the first restriction), but instead looks for the
global minimum (which is 1). Then the two restrictions cannot hold
But I think that all gretl functions that take a series argument always
work on the currently defined sample, right? If so, then this looks like
a bug.
This is now with the latest snapshot.
9 years
gretl 2015d crashes on opening attached stata file
by Sven Schreiber
the attached is supposed to be a Stata 12 file. (The data are not
confidential.) Gretl on windows crashes when I try to import it. I
haven't tried recent snapshots. I managed to open and convert the file
with the "pandas" module under Python, result is also attached.
Yesterday I had a similar thing with another stata file. There the
solution seemed to be to close Stata where the file might have been
still open, and of course restart gretl after the crash, then the import
worked. But in the present case I don't even have Stata on this machine
right now.
9 years
exists() with strings
Dear all, To reproduce
function void testfun (scalar x, int n[1::1],list z[null], string s[null]) isn = exists(n) print isn isz = exists(z) print isz iss = exists(s) print iss end function
nulldata 1
series z1 = 1 series z2 = 2 list zz = z1 z2
testfun(1) testfun(1,1) testfun(1,1,z1) testfun(1,1,zz) testfun(1,1,zz,"a")
The behavior of exists() with strings is different. The more, there's difference across data types but not across the situations. Is this a bug or I missed something from the help?
9 years