Crash using omit command on ordered probit
by Artur T.
Dear all,
I attached a sample script and my data. Using the "omit" command after
estimating a ordered probit results in a crash on both Ubuntu (64-bit,
current cvs) and Win 7(64-bit, version from last week or so).
Hope these information are helpful.
9 years
default(null) values tests
Dear all,
Below there are several additional tests of the default/null values behavior both inside and outside functions. Some results looks strange.
1) With lists
(i) in a script
nulldata 1
list znull = null
isznull = exists(znull)
nznull = nelem(znull)
print isznull nznull
(ii) inside a function
function void listtestfun (scalar x, list z[null]) isz = exists(z) nz = nelem(z) print isz nz end function
listtestfun(1) We have
isznull = 1.0000000 nznull = 0.0000000
isz = 1.0000000 nz = 0.0000000
as expected
2) with strings (i) in a script
string snull = null issnull = exists(snull) nsnull = strlen(snull) print issnull nsnull
The behavior is the same as for lists and is as expected to be
Also, emptycheck = snull=="" print emptycheck
We see that ' string snull = null' actually creates the "" string
(ii) inside a function
function void strtestfun (scalar x, string s[null]) iss = exists(s) ns = strlen(s) print iss ns end function
we have
The symbol 's' is undefined *** error in function strtestfun, line 2
It seems now the problem is not with exists() but is like this: a function does not defines a string variable in contrast as it does with default null lists
3) catch string
function void testfun3 (scalar x, string s[null]) catch string s err = $error print err end function
Please, explain why we have "0" in the first case and "2" in the second
P.S. I have tried to do something with formatting but I have nowhere to check. Please, inform me
9 years
seasonal / periodic dummies in panel data
by Sven Schreiber
I have a panel dataset which is monthly in the time dimension, and I
have done:
setobs 12 1991:1 --panel-time
which is recognized as the subsequent invocation of '$obsdate' shows.
However, the menu item "add/periodic dummies" is greyed out. Any reason
for that?
Also, the seasonals() function gives strange error messages; here's an
example script:
open abdata.gdt
setobs 4 1900:1 --panel-time # just an example
series seas = seasonals(1)
9 years
impossible to enter values in new/empty dataset
by Sven Schreiber
I'm starting to ask myself what is wrong with this particular system;
first the gretl crash (opening the Stata file, see yesterday's thread),
and now this:
Start a new panel dataset, with 3 units and 4 time periods; gretl asks
"do you want to enter data"; yes, and then there's a window "edit data";
I enter "5" in obs 1:1 and hit return; then I want to enter another
number like "3" for obs 1:2, but when I hit return the number vanishes!
Same with any further numbers.
Actually I wanted to report a problem with the pxsum() function in
subsampled datasets, but this here got in the way while testing...
Anyway, to be sure I uninstalled the old gretl version in the "official"
Windows way, and reinstalled gretl before I did this.
good night,
9 years
Ssuppressing the "The convergence criterion was not met" message
by Marcin Błażejowski
I wonder if it would be possible to add option to the 'catch' command in
order to suppress messages like 'The convergence criterion was not met'
(example code below).
open bjg
set echo off
scalar maxP = 4
scalar maxQ = 4
loop for p=1..maxP --quiet
loop for q=1..maxQ --quiet
catch arima p 1 q ; lg --conditional --quiet
if ($error != 0)
print "Estimation problem"
Marcin Błażejowski
GG: 203127
9 years
modtest vs reset
by Marcin Błażejowski
'modtest' has two "verbosity" options: --quiet and --silent, while
'reset' has only --quiet. Maybe 'reset' would have --silent option to?
Marcin Błażejowski
GG: 203127
9 years
Translation questions
by Sven Schreiber
there were a few accumulated changes because of my laziness, and I have
a couple of questions:
* "Wrote gfn file as\n" -- "wrote" as synonym for "saved"? (Perhaps
using "saved" also uniformly in English then?)
* Does it exceed the length in context to translate "FEVD" as "FEVD
(Prognosefehlervarianzzerlegung)", which by the way is a nice example of
German composita words...?
* And similar for "IRF" -> "IRF (Impulsantwortfunktion)"
* line 16486: "Full" meaning complete, total, no space left...?
* In "eigenvalues of X'X, largest to smallest", there is an isolated
single quote. I remember once that I had introduced something like that
in the German translation ("Gauß'sche") which made German gretl crash?
Is this safe here now?
* "note: variance proportions columns sum to 1.0" - "note" as a noun or
the imperative of the verb? (I guess both mean the same thing though...)
* "%s: invalid option argument": should it rather be "optional", or what
does this mean here (line 6206)
* line 8673: "filter": noun or verb?
* line 17450: "condition index" -- context? I'm clueless.
At the risk of being redundant, let me remind my fellow translators of
this multilingual statistical glossary:
9 years, 1 month