bug with min/max/mean and matrices
by Sven Schreiber
according to the doc min/max/mean are not supposed to work with matrices
(where I think we have debated in the past if this restriction could be
lifted, just like with sum(), but I don't remember the reasons for not
doing so...), but instead of yielding an error message they give wrong
scalar hey = min(I(2)) # gives 1
hey = max(I(2)) # gives 1, true by coincidence?
hey = max(mreverse(I(2))) # gives 0, so yes, a coincidence
hey = mean(I(2)) # gives 1
It looks as if the functions just take the first (upper-left) element of
the matrix and work on that.
This is with a Aug 20 snapshot.
9 years, 6 months
mini documentation bug of the resample() function with blocksize
by Sven Schreiber
I'm glad to announce that the resample() function also works if the
optional 'blocksize' parameter is set to 1. As naturally expected, this
is then equivalent to omitting the parameter, giving a standard
one-by-one resampling.
This behavior is not documented, however; in the docs it says "If this
argument is given it should be a positive integer greater than or equal
to 2."
matrix m = mnormal(10,2)
print m
matrix mr = resample(m, 1)
print mr
9 years, 6 months
next release?
by Allin Cottrell
I realize that in the middle of August we're in down-time for many
people, so recent gretl snapshots probably haven't had much of a
All the same, let me ask: has anyone found problems lately that should
be addressed before we release gretl 1.10.2? I'd like to do so before
the semester starts here (i.e. by the end of next week).
9 years, 6 months
experimental gretl git repository
by Allin Cottrell
Hello all,
You may notice that there's now a git repository at the gretl
sourceforge site (converted from the CVS tree as of 2015-08-14).
We're thinking of moving from CVS to git, but for now the repository
is just experimental, and it may be replaced in its entirety before
we actually start using it.
Please continue to use CVS for viewing latest code, committing new
translations and so on until further notice.
9 years, 6 months
open file button in main window
by Sven Schreiber
I just noticed a basic thing: The open datafile button in the button bar
doesn't give you the standard file-open dialog but gives you "just" the
example datafile selection. Not what most people would expect IMHO.
9 years, 7 months
crash after nested loop index (?)
by Sven Schreiber
I just ran an older script and the recent gretl version (Aug 5) told me
(correctly) that I had used the same loop index in two nested loops.
(Cf. the recent change that we discussed.)
So I adjusted the script and changed the nested loop index. Saved and
re-ran, which made gretl crash. The same script runs fine after starting
gretl again, so I cannot (easily) reproduce right now.
9 years, 7 months
Feature list on the web page
by Sven Schreiber
I would suggest various additions to the frontpage on gretl.sf.net in
the Features section:
* add a "panel estimators" entry after time series and limited dep. vars
* perhaps also mention "structural VARs" under the time series methods point
* add the "Hansl" name at the bullet point "integrated powerful
scripting language", and integrate the following bullet point about
command loop structures; also, add keywords such as "matrix and algebra
* The point "Links to... <other languages>" is quite vague I think and
even somehow sounds as if gretl necessarily is not enough to do "further
data analysis".
Also while the "foreign" feature is quite cool for insiders and
experienced users I'm not sure whether it is a selling point for people
that don't know gretl yet.
Just some thoughts,
9 years, 7 months