Midas syntax, small issue
by Sven Schreiber
I have just revisited a Midas script of mine, and when I saw something like:
midasreg dep const ownlag; mds(dIP, 0,4, 1, theta)
I was scratching my head and asked myself, OK what on earth was that
specification again? Gretl's Midas doc of course reveals that the "1" in
there means "normalized exponential Almon", but this is really not user
friendly I dare to say.
I suggest that instead of an integer code there should be string aliases
like "nexpAlmon" (and e.g. "u" for unrestricted, "Almon", "betalast0",
Would that --or something similar-- be doable?
7 years, 2 months
problem with lags() and gaps
by Sven Schreiber
see this:
thislag = 3
series hey = normal()
list L = lags(thislag, hey)
eval nelem(L)
list LL = lags({thislag}, hey)
eval nelem(LL)
matrix lagseq = seq(thislag, thislag)
list LLL = lags(lagseq, hey)
eval nelem(LLL)
Every time I get a 3-element list, wheras according to the lags() spec
only the lag numbers specified in the vector argument should be calculated.
I understand this comes from gretl allowing a 1x1 matrix for a scalar.
But this is a problem when the vector argument inside a program might
become a 1-element thing depending on other choices.
Not sure what a good solution would be, though.
7 years, 2 months
a non-numeric question on fdjac
by oleg_komashko@ukr.net
Dear All,
To reproduce
x = {1,1}'
catch eval numhess(x,x'*x)
catch eval fdjac(x,x'*x)
catch eval fdjac(x,(x'*x))
function matrix i(matrix x)
return x
end function
eval numhess(x,i(x'*x))
eval fdjac(x,i(x'*x))
Why it may look trivial, I spent
some time to guess to use
identity function
I can imagine 2 possibilities:
1) to include native identity
function in hansl
2)fdjac and numhess should do
something similar inside
7 years, 2 months
dataset browser: add type/structure information
by Sven Schreiber
I repeatedly find myself looking in the built-in dataset collection to
open a dataset with a certain structure (e.g. for testing, or for
teaching). I find it hard to locate for example a panel dataset with T >
N. Couldn't that kind of information be displayed in additional columns?
(So far I see only "File" and "Summary" there.)
7 years, 2 months
error in building gretl
by Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
This is only to report that I compiled gretl from Git today, all seemed
to be ok but when trying to execute gretl it was reporting a "file not
found" message with respect to /opt/gretl/share/gretl/ui/gretlmain.xml I
investigated a little and saw that this file was really in
/opt/gretl/share/ui then moving the "ui" folder to
/opt/gretl/share/gretl all worked correctly.
Firma Arista
*Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza*
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7 years, 3 months